Dear Panditji,
I am worried about my husband. He loves books, he loves nature, he loves music and he loves everyone. I am so possessive about him. Sometimes I feel that there is other woman in his life., and i love him. Tell me what to do.
Everytime he talks to someone i am in pain. Is this the love, when i will be fine astrologically? I think my love is not pure not complete otherwise this would not have happened and these days i am away from him. what do i do
I will not mention your name here, and astrology has nothing to do with your question.
It is good that you understand that your love is not complete, not pure as it should be. This shows that you are aware of yourself. It means that you can go more deep and you can explore yourself. and by exploring yourself you will discover yourself and you can make your love more deep more undconditional. I want your love to expand.
Do not try to make love a relationship. Love as a relationship is always superficial and cheap.
To love a person is only to have a relationship, and in relationships people get possessive and then the suffocation begins. And that is what has happened to your love. you are getting possessive which brings pain.
This very question "love only me .... " then what you are going to do when you are out in the world. you will have to be alert not to show your love to anybody.
Even if you are a lover of books that is enough for your wife or husband to create trouble for you. When he or she is present you cannot read . In fact if you really want to love your man or woman you will have to be loving towards everybody you meet. you have to keep loving the nature, the sunrise the small but important things in life then only you will be able to love.
Love cannot be made a relationship, love is a state of being. you should be a loving person ., love your friends, love your books, love yourself. In all these things your love is going to expand. love is the breathing of your soul.
so do not be jealous, do not prevent anybody and do not try to monopalize love. there are somethings in the life which can not be monopolized.
love is a bird., keep it free do not try to monopolize it or it will die. That is why everybody says "i love you" and there seems to be no love anywhere.
To be in love is to be with the existence, to be soft to be receptive.
I used to sit by the river in my village, under a small tree. I used to sit there for hours , in the evenings in the nights and during the day time. Tree and I became friends and one day one of the persons told me that he heard i was telling people that there is a possiblity of communication between man and trees. I told him yes and he was angry he ordered me that I should not spread strange ideas for which i do not have proof.
I took him with me one day on a full moon night and I asked him to touch the tree and tell me how it feels. He told me it was cold after touching it. Then i said to the tree that it is a matter of your friend's word, i want you to be warm when this person puts his hands on you , show warmth and do not be cold. The person said that I was talking to a tree and I was crazy. I told him there is no harm in trying again and when he put the hand on the tree it was warm and it was a cold night.
He said to me that now I had got him into trouble as everybody thought that I was little crazy but now what about him. He told me that he could not believe it but as he had an experience there was no other way except to believe it.
All you need in this is more openess, more softness, more receptivity. That is what happens in love., you are more open and you are more receptive .,
The basic reason is you have not allowed the love freedom and as a result you have now a hypocritical kind of love . It says I love you because it has to be said; otherwise there is problem.
To avoid the trouble the husband says " I love you" the wife says " I love you" but the shine in the eyes is absent, there is no gleam in the eyes., heart does not beats faster, and the aroma of love is absent. Do not allow your love to be dead. Love gives freedom and the more freedom love gives the more loving the person becomes.
And I understand your question. I know love has many layers the biological, the social the spiritual. For ages we are told that either we love this world or we love the world beyond. we cannot have both together.
I do not believe in this teaching, to me the world beyond and this world are not seperated they are the one. In love there is no logic, no mathematics. stop thinking in terms of mathematics. In mathematics the part can never be as big as whole. but in life., part can become whole. when a drop of water disappears in the ocean , do you think it remains as a drop , or do you think it is smaller than ocean. The moment it slips in the ocean it becomes ocean. the part and the whole are one. love is the art of being whole.
your husband is simply a first taste, he is not a hindrance. If you love god and your love towards your husband disappears, then that love is not true and you cannot be certain about your love towards god.
Remember love is born with you , it is your basic self all you need is to let it flow., but you are blocking it ., you are holding it back you are so miserly about love because you have been taught a practical economics of life. suppose you have money and you go on giving it ., one day you will be left with nothing, by giving moeny you will lose it. This economics has entered into your blood, into your mind. It is true about the outside world but it is not true about love.
Here in love totally different economics work., the more you give it the more you have and and the less you give the less you have it. If you do not give it at all you will become stagnant. You will lose your natural qualitites.
Love is like a musician., if he goes on playing his guitar or his flute more and more music will come. it is not by playing music musician is losing music.
such is love, share it. in the begining it will come like dew drops because the miserliness has been very long, but once the dew drops of of love have been shared you will soon become capable of of sharing the whole oceanic flood of your love your being.
Once you are aware of higher economics the economics of life., you will find that just by giving you gain, in the very process of giving you become rich. You often ask me do i have any practical suggestions. ? Practical suggestions ===== no that is not my business at all. Impractical suggestions yes and many.
I do not believe in light. You believe in something you do not know. I see light. I feel light. similarly I do not believe in love., I live in love ., I feel it.
someone seeking love with practical knowledge is someone trying to find sun with the help of a lamp.
Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins, but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon. Lovers end, love continues. It is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun."
Life full of love is not static; it is vibrant. There's a breeziness of freedom in love. Such love knows no bounds, no misery. It is all joy and bliss.
1. The day in week you are born is the best day for you, to commence anything new or to buy or sell if you can not consult an astrologer.
2. It is lucky to receive any letter on the third, fifth or the ninth of the month or on tuesdays and saturdays.
3. The first week of May is very fortunate for any undertaking to men and second week is fortunate for women.
4. june is a good month in which to sign any contract or receive any promise of marriage or courtship , for it turns out to be true and sincere.
5. It has often been observed through my grandpa's singular observation that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in thirty first year, if she is single or a widow she is sure to get married and if married some important event happens in her life which is of a positive nature.
6. The same is applicable to men in the forty second year.
7. The first four days of the moon are the best for the signing of new papers or for any new undertaking, but it must be allowed that much depends on the person's own hard work and perseverance, that often overcomes a bad planet or a day marked unlucky in the book of fate.
8. Mondays, wednesdays and fridays are best for the men and tuesdays, thrusdays and saturdays for women.
9. If you wish to travel by land or by air choose the increase of the moon, and if you wish to take a journey by water wish to take the decrease of the moon. and it should be about full moon to write letters in which you wish to ask favours.
10. it is not good for a woman to marry on her own birthday , but is fortunate for man.
11. It is good to chirsten a child on the day of week on which he was born.
12. The day in week you are born is the best day for you, to commence anything new or to buy or sell if you can not consult an astrologer.
13. It is lucky to receive any letter on the third, fifth or the ninth of the month or on tuesdays and saturdays.
14.The first week of May is very fortunate for any undertaking to men and second week is fortunate for women.
15. june is a good month in which to sign any contract or receive any promise of marriage or courtship , for it turns out to be true and sincere.
16. It has often been observed through my grandpa's singular observation that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in thirty first year, if she is single or a widow she is sure to get married and if married some important event happens in her life which is of a positive nature.
17.The same is applicable to men in the forty second year.
18. The first four days of the moon are the best for the signing of new papers or for any new undertaking, but it must be allowed that much depends on the person's own hard work and perseverance, that often overcomes a bad planet or a day marked unlucky in the book of fate.
19. Mondays, wednesdays and fridays are best for the men and tuesdays, thrusdays and saturdays for women.
20. If you wish to travel by land or by air choose the increase of the moon, and if you wish to take a journey by water wish to take the decrease of the moon. and it should be about full moon to write letters in which you wish to ask favours.
21. it is not good for a woman to marry on her own birthday , but is fortunate for man.
22. It is good to chirsten a child on the day of week on which he was born.
23. It is not good for a maiden to marry in the green and yellow colours and for a widow in white, and by all means should avoid thirteenth of the month.
24. To see a flight of birds as you go for a church or a mosque or a temples foretells many children.
25. To meet a funeral is considered as a good omen while commencing a journey.
26. It is unlucky to pick up an old cap or glove in the street , you should better pass it.
27. Never tell your dream to anyone until you have broken your fast, if you have the same dream twice or thrice attend to it, it must have more than a common meaning.
नवरात्र में कैसे करें संपूर्ण दुर्गा सप्तशती पाठ
श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती
श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती के पाठ करने का अलग विधान है। कुछ अध्यायों में उच्च स्वर, कुछ में मंद और कुछ में शांत मुद्रा में बैठकर पाठ करना श्रेष्ठ माना गया है। जैसे कीलक मंत्र को शांत मुद्रा में बैठकर मानसिक पाठ करना श्रेष्ठ है। देवी कवच उच्च स्वर में और श्रीअर्गला स्तोत्र का प्रारम्भ उच्च स्वर और समापन शांत मुद्रा से करना चाहिए। देवी भगवती के कुछ मंत्र यंत्र, मंत्र और तंत्र क्रिया के हैं। संपूर्ण दुर्गा सप्तशती स्वर विज्ञान का एक हिस्सा है।
वाकार विधि:
प्रथम दिन एक पाठ प्रथम अध्याय, दूसरे दिन दो पाठ द्वितीय, तृतीय अध्याय, तीसरे दिन एक पाठ चतुर्थ अध्याय, चौथे दिन चार पाठ पंचम, षष्ठ, सप्तम व अष्टम अध्याय, पांचवें दिन दो अध्यायों का पाठ नवम, दशम अध्याय, छठे दिन ग्यारहवां अध्याय, सातवें दिन दो पाठ द्वादश एवं त्रयोदश अध्याय करके एक आवृति सप्तशती की होती है।
संपुट पाठ विधि:
किसी विशेष प्रयोजन हेतु विशेष मंत्र से एक बार ऊपर तथा एक नीचे बांधना उदाहरण हेतु संपुट मंत्र मूलमंत्र-, संपुट मंत्र फिर मूलमंत्र अंत में पुनः संपुट मंत्र आदि इस विधि में समय अधिक लगता है। लेकिन यह अतिफलदायी है।
अच्छा यह होगा कि आप संपुट के रूप में अर्गला स्तोत्र का कोई मंत्र ले लीजिए। या कोई बीज मंत्र जैसे ऊं श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं दुर्गायै नम: ले लें या ऊं दुर्गायै नम: से भी पाठ कर सकते हैं।
नवरात्र पूजा विधि
सर्वप्रथम- देवी भगवती को प्रतिष्ठापित करें। कलश स्थापना करें। दीप प्रज्ज्जवलन करें। ( अखंड ज्योति जलाएं यदि आप जलाते हों या जलाना चाहते हों)
ध्यान- सर्वप्रथम अपने गुरू का ध्यान करिए। उसके बाद गणपति, शंकर जी, भगवान विष्णु, हनुमान जी और नवग्रह का।
पाठ विधि
संकल्प- श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करने से पहले भगवान गणपति, शंकर जी का ध्यान करिए। उसके बाद हाथ में जौ, चावल और दक्षिणा रखकर देवी भगवती का ध्यान करिए और संकल्प लीजिए...हे भगवती मैं.....( अमुक नाम)....सपरिवार...( अपने परिवार के नाम ले लीजिए...)...गोत्र.( अमुक गोत्र)....स्थान ( जहां रह रहे हैं)... पूरी निष्ठा, समर्पण और भक्ति के साथ आपका ध्यान कर रहा हूं। हे भगवती आप हमारे घर में आगमन करिए और हमारी इस मनोकामना... ( मनोकामना बोलें लेकिन मन ही मन) को पूरा करिए। श्रीदुर्गा सप्तशती के पाठ, जप ( माला का उतना ही संकल्प करें जितनी नौ दिन कर सकें) और यज्ञादि को मेरे स्वीकार करिए। इसके बाद धूप, दीप, नैवेज्ञ के साथ भगवती की पूजा प्रारम्भ करें।
अन्य महत्वपूर्ण नियम :-
दुर्गा शप्तसती का पाठ शुरू करने के पहले प्रथम पूज्य गणेश की पूजा करनी चाहिए। यदि घर में कलश स्थापन किया है तो पहले कलश का पूजन फिर नवग्रह की पूजा और फिर अखंड दीप का पूजन करना चाहिए।
दुर्गा शप्तसती के पाठ में अर्गला, कीलक स्त्रोत और कवच के पाठ से पहले शापोध्दार का पाठ करना आवश्यक है। दुर्गा सप्तसती के सभी मंत्र ब्रह्मा , वसिष्ठ और विश्वामित्र के द्वारा शापित किये गए है। शापोद्धार के बिना जाप का फल प्राप्तः नहीं होता है।
दुर्गा सप्तसती का पाठ करने से पहले और बाद में नवारण मंत्र " ॐ ऐ ह्री क्लीं चामुण्डाय विच्चे " का पाठ करना परम आवशयक है।
इस मंत्र में लक्ष्मी काली और सरस्वती के बीज मंत्र का संग्रह है।
दुर्गा सप्तसती पाठ के आरंभ और अंत में क्षमा प्रार्थना का पाठ अवश्य करना चाहिए।
श्री दुर्गा सप्तसती ग्रन्थ में सात सो श्लोक है। प्रथम चरित्र में पहला अध्याय , मध्यम चरित में दूसरा तीसरा और चौथा अध्याय और उत्तम चरित में शेष अध्याय रखे गए है।
दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय सिले हुए वस्त धारण नहीं करने चाहिए। पुरुषो को धोती और स्त्रियों को साड़ी धारण करनी चाहिए।
दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय एकाग्रचित होना आवश्यक होता है। इसलिए पाठ करते समय आलस न करें और जम्हाई ने लें। मां दुर्गा में ध्यान लगाने का प्रयास करें। पाठ करते समय बीच में किसी और से बात न करें।
अगर पाठ करते समय आपका हाथ पैर से स्पर्श हो जाता है, तो सबसे पहले जल से हाथों को धाएं, उसके बाद ही पुस्तक को स्पर्श करें। क्योंकि दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय शुद्धता का ध्यान रखना बहुत आवश्यक होता है।
कुंडली मिलान में कब निरस्त हो जाता है नाड़ी दोष, जानिए 3 नियम
हिंदू धर्म में विवाह से पहले अष्टकूट यानी गुण मिलान का खासा महत्व है।
इसमें वर्ण, वश्य, तारा, योनी, ग्रह मैत्री, गण, भकूट और नाड़ी के आधार पर वर-वधू के गुणों का मिलान किया जाता है।
इसमें सबसे ज्यादा अहम नाड़ी है।
इसकी अहमियत इस बात से पता चलती है कि ज्यादा गुण मिलने के बावजूद अगर नाड़ी दोष है तो विवाह वर्जित बताया जाता है। हालांकि अगर संभावित वर और वधू की कुंडली में तीन शर्तों में से एक भी पूरी हो रही हो तो नाड़ी दोष निरस्त हो जाता है।
कुंडली में चंद्रमा की नक्षत्र में स्थिति के आधार पर नाड़ी का पता चलता है। कुल नक्षत्र 27 होते हैं, इस प्रकार हर नाड़ी के 9-9 नक्षत्र होते हैं।
वैदिक ज्योतिष में नाड़ी 3 प्रकार की होती हैं-
आदि, मध्य और अन्त्य नाड़ी
आदि या आद्य नाड़ी-
ज्येष्ठा, मूल, आर्द्रा, पुनर्वसु, उत्तरा फाल्गुनी,हस्त, शतभिषा, पूर्वा भाद्रपद और अश्विनी नक्षत्र की गणना इस नाड़ी में की जाती है।
मध्य नाड़ी-
पुष्य, मृगशिरा, चित्रा, अनुराधा, भरणी, घनिष्ठा, पूर्वाषाढ़ा, पूर्वा फाल्गुनी और उत्तरा भाद्रपद नक्षत्र की गणना मध्य नाड़ी में होती है।
अन्त्य नाड़ी-
स्वाति, विशाखा, कृतिका, रोहिणी, अश्लेषा, मघा, उत्तारषाढ़ा, श्रवण और रेवती नक्षत्रों की गणना अन्त्य नाड़ी में की जाती है।
कैसे लगता है नाड़ी दोष
जब संभावित वर और वधू के जन्म नक्षत्र एक ही नाड़ी में आते हैं, तब यह दोष लगता है।
इस दोष के चलते गुण मिलान में 8 गुणों की हानि होती है।
इस दोष के लगने से विवाह को वर्जित बताया जाता है।
इस दोष के बावजूद विवाह होने पर विवाह में अलगाव, मृत्यु और दुखमय जीवन की आशंकाएं होती हैं।
किन स्थितियों में निरस्त हो जाता है नाड़ी दोष
यदि संभावित वर और वधू का जन्म नक्षत्र समान हो, लेकिन दोनों के चरण अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है।
यदि दोनों की राशि समान हो, लेकिन जन्म नक्षत्र अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है।
यदि दोनों के जन्म नक्षत्र समान हों, लेकिन राशि अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है
जानिए आरती के बाद क्यों बोलते हैं कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र
किसी भी मंदिर में या हमारे घर में जब भी पूजन कर्म होते हैं तो वहां कुछ मंत्रों का जप अनिवार्य रूप से किया जाता है। सभी देवी-देवताओं के मंत्र अलग-अलग हैं, लेकिन जब भी आरती पूर्ण होती है तो यह मंत्र विशेष रूप से बोला जाता है-
कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र
कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम्।
सदा बसन्तं हृदयारबिन्दे भबं भवानीसहितं नमामि।।
ये है इस मंत्र का अर्थ
इस मंत्र से शिवजी की स्तुति की जाती है। इसका अर्थ इस प्रकार है-
कर्पूरगौरं- कर्पूर के समान गौर वर्ण वाले।
करुणावतारं- करुणा के जो साक्षात् अवतार हैं।
संसारसारं- समस्त सृष्टि के जो सार हैं।
भुजगेंद्रहारम्- इस शब्द का अर्थ है जो सांप को हार के रूप में धारण करते हैं।
सदा वसतं हृदयाविन्दे भवंभावनी सहितं नमामि- इसका अर्थ है कि जो शिव, पार्वती के साथ सदैव मेरे हृदय में निवास करते हैं, उनको मेरा नमन है।
मंत्र का पूरा अर्थ- जो कर्पूर जैसे गौर वर्ण वाले हैं, करुणा के अवतार हैं, संसार के सार हैं और भुजंगों का हार धारण करते हैं, वे भगवान शिव माता भवानी सहित मेरे ह्रदय में सदैव निवास करें और उन्हें मेरा नमन है।
यही मंत्र क्यों….
किसी भी देवी-देवता की आरती के बाद कर्पूरगौरम् करुणावतारं….मंत्र ही क्यों बोला जाता है, इसके पीछे बहुत गहरे अर्थ छिपे हुए हैं।
भगवान शिव की ये स्तुति शिव-पार्वती विवाह के समय विष्णु द्वारा गाई हुई मानी गई है।
अमूमन ये माना जाता है कि शिव शमशान वासी हैं, उनका स्वरुप बहुत भयंकर और अघोरी वाला है। लेकिन, ये स्तुति बताती है कि उनका स्वरुप बहुत दिव्य है। शिव को सृष्टि का अधिपति माना गया है, वे मृत्युलोक के देवता हैं, उन्हें पशुपतिनाथ भी कहा जाता है, पशुपति का अर्थ है संसार के जितने भी जीव हैं (मनुष्य सहित) उन सब का अधिपति।
ये स्तुति इसी कारण से गाई जाती है कि जो इस समस्त संसार का अधिपति है, वो हमारे मन में वास करे। शिव श्मशान वासी हैं, जो मृत्यु के भय को दूर करते हैं। हमारे मन में शिव वास करें, अकाल मृत्यु का भय दूर हो।
Dear Panditji,
I am worried about my husband. He loves books, he loves nature, he loves music and he loves everyone. I am so possessive about him. Sometimes I feel that there is other woman in his life., and i love him. Tell me what to do.
Everytime he talks to someone i am in pain. Is this the love, when i will be fine astrologically? I think my love is not pure not complete otherwise this would not have happened and these days i am away from him. what do i do
I will not mention your name here, and astrology has nothing to do with your question.
It is good that you understand that your love is not complete, not pure as it should be. This shows that you are aware of yourself. It means that you can go more deep and you can explore yourself. and by exploring yourself you will discover yourself and you can make your love more deep more undconditional. I want your love to expand.
Do not try to make love a relationship. Love as a relationship is always superficial and cheap.
To love a person is only to have a relationship, and in relationships people get possessive and then the suffocation begins. And that is what has happened to your love. you are getting possessive which brings pain.
This very question "love only me .... " then what you are going to do when you are out in the world. you will have to be alert not to show your love to anybody.
Even if you are a lover of books that is enough for your wife or husband to create trouble for you. When he or she is present you cannot read . In fact if you really want to love your man or woman you will have to be loving towards everybody you meet. you have to keep loving the nature, the sunrise the small but important things in life then only you will be able to love.
Love cannot be made a relationship, love is a state of being. you should be a loving person ., love your friends, love your books, love yourself. In all these things your love is going to expand. love is the breathing of your soul.
so do not be jealous, do not prevent anybody and do not try to monopalize love. there are somethings in the life which can not be monopolized.
love is a bird., keep it free do not try to monopolize it or it will die. That is why everybody says "i love you" and there seems to be no love anywhere.
To be in love is to be with the existence, to be soft to be receptive.
I used to sit by the river in my village, under a small tree. I used to sit there for hours , in the evenings in the nights and during the day time. Tree and I became friends and one day one of the persons told me that he heard i was telling people that there is a possiblity of communication between man and trees. I told him yes and he was angry he ordered me that I should not spread strange ideas for which i do not have proof.
I took him with me one day on a full moon night and I asked him to touch the tree and tell me how it feels. He told me it was cold after touching it. Then i said to the tree that it is a matter of your friend's word, i want you to be warm when this person puts his hands on you , show warmth and do not be cold. The person said that I was talking to a tree and I was crazy. I told him there is no harm in trying again and when he put the hand on the tree it was warm and it was a cold night.
He said to me that now I had got him into trouble as everybody thought that I was little crazy but now what about him. He told me that he could not believe it but as he had an experience there was no other way except to believe it.
All you need in this is more openess, more softness, more receptivity. That is what happens in love., you are more open and you are more receptive .,
The basic reason is you have not allowed the love freedom and as a result you have now a hypocritical kind of love . It says I love you because it has to be said; otherwise there is problem.
To avoid the trouble the husband says " I love you" the wife says " I love you" but the shine in the eyes is absent, there is no gleam in the eyes., heart does not beats faster, and the aroma of love is absent. Do not allow your love to be dead. Love gives freedom and the more freedom love gives the more loving the person becomes.
And I understand your question. I know love has many layers the biological, the social the spiritual. For ages we are told that either we love this world or we love the world beyond. we cannot have both together.
I do not believe in this teaching, to me the world beyond and this world are not seperated they are the one. In love there is no logic, no mathematics. stop thinking in terms of mathematics. In mathematics the part can never be as big as whole. but in life., part can become whole. when a drop of water disappears in the ocean , do you think it remains as a drop , or do you think it is smaller than ocean. The moment it slips in the ocean it becomes ocean. the part and the whole are one. love is the art of being whole.
your husband is simply a first taste, he is not a hindrance. If you love god and your love towards your husband disappears, then that love is not true and you cannot be certain about your love towards god.
Remember love is born with you , it is your basic self all you need is to let it flow., but you are blocking it ., you are holding it back you are so miserly about love because you have been taught a practical economics of life. suppose you have money and you go on giving it ., one day you will be left with nothing, by giving moeny you will lose it. This economics has entered into your blood, into your mind. It is true about the outside world but it is not true about love.
Here in love totally different economics work., the more you give it the more you have and and the less you give the less you have it. If you do not give it at all you will become stagnant. You will lose your natural qualitites.
Love is like a musician., if he goes on playing his guitar or his flute more and more music will come. it is not by playing music musician is losing music.
such is love, share it. in the begining it will come like dew drops because the miserliness has been very long, but once the dew drops of of love have been shared you will soon become capable of of sharing the whole oceanic flood of your love your being.
Once you are aware of higher economics the economics of life., you will find that just by giving you gain, in the very process of giving you become rich. You often ask me do i have any practical suggestions. ? Practical suggestions ===== no that is not my business at all. Impractical suggestions yes and many.
I do not believe in light. You believe in something you do not know. I see light. I feel light. similarly I do not believe in love., I live in love ., I feel it.
someone seeking love with practical knowledge is someone trying to find sun with the help of a lamp.
Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins, but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon. Lovers end, love continues. It is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun."
Life full of love is not static; it is vibrant. There's a breeziness of freedom in love. Such love knows no bounds, no misery. It is all joy and bliss.
1. The day in week you are born is the best day for you, to commence anything new or to buy or sell if you can not consult an astrologer.
2. It is lucky to receive any letter on the third, fifth or the ninth of the month or on tuesdays and saturdays.
3. The first week of May is very fortunate for any undertaking to men and second week is fortunate for women.
4. june is a good month in which to sign any contract or receive any promise of marriage or courtship , for it turns out to be true and sincere.
5. It has often been observed through my grandpa's singular observation that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in thirty first year, if she is single or a widow she is sure to get married and if married some important event happens in her life which is of a positive nature.
6. The same is applicable to men in the forty second year.
7. The first four days of the moon are the best for the signing of new papers or for any new undertaking, but it must be allowed that much depends on the person's own hard work and perseverance, that often overcomes a bad planet or a day marked unlucky in the book of fate.
8. Mondays, wednesdays and fridays are best for the men and tuesdays, thrusdays and saturdays for women.
9. If you wish to travel by land or by air choose the increase of the moon, and if you wish to take a journey by water wish to take the decrease of the moon. and it should be about full moon to write letters in which you wish to ask favours.
10. it is not good for a woman to marry on her own birthday , but is fortunate for man.
11. It is good to chirsten a child on the day of week on which he was born.
12. The day in week you are born is the best day for you, to commence anything new or to buy or sell if you can not consult an astrologer.
13. It is lucky to receive any letter on the third, fifth or the ninth of the month or on tuesdays and saturdays.
14.The first week of May is very fortunate for any undertaking to men and second week is fortunate for women.
15. june is a good month in which to sign any contract or receive any promise of marriage or courtship , for it turns out to be true and sincere.
16. It has often been observed through my grandpa's singular observation that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in thirty first year, if she is single or a widow she is sure to get married and if married some important event happens in her life which is of a positive nature.
17.The same is applicable to men in the forty second year.
18. The first four days of the moon are the best for the signing of new papers or for any new undertaking, but it must be allowed that much depends on the person's own hard work and perseverance, that often overcomes a bad planet or a day marked unlucky in the book of fate.
19. Mondays, wednesdays and fridays are best for the men and tuesdays, thrusdays and saturdays for women.
20. If you wish to travel by land or by air choose the increase of the moon, and if you wish to take a journey by water wish to take the decrease of the moon. and it should be about full moon to write letters in which you wish to ask favours.
21. it is not good for a woman to marry on her own birthday , but is fortunate for man.
22. It is good to chirsten a child on the day of week on which he was born.
23. It is not good for a maiden to marry in the green and yellow colours and for a widow in white, and by all means should avoid thirteenth of the month.
24. To see a flight of birds as you go for a church or a mosque or a temples foretells many children.
25. To meet a funeral is considered as a good omen while commencing a journey.
26. It is unlucky to pick up an old cap or glove in the street , you should better pass it.
27. Never tell your dream to anyone until you have broken your fast, if you have the same dream twice or thrice attend to it, it must have more than a common meaning.
One can certainly read the characters of men and form an accurate estimate of what they are by studying their general appearance and particularly their faces. Doing this is to practice what is known as the art of Physiognomy.
Physiognomy is based on deep observations. Undoubtedly there is an intimate connection between the features and expression of the face and the character that lies behind. We by recognizing this can make our life much more comfortable.
The Basic Rule
If the first moment in which a person appears, in the first impression has nothing repulsive or oppressive and produce in you no kind of restraint, if you feel yourself in his presence continually more cheerful and free, more animated and contended with yourself, though without verbal communication be certain of this that he will always so long as no person intervenes between you gain upon you and never loose. Nature has formed us for each other.
Not pleasing at first sight
Take notices however that some people are not pleasing at first sight, without any verbal communications. These people are to be dealt carefully if the need arises.
Watch people when taken by surprise
It is wise to observe in others the moments of complete surprise. People who maintain noble features during the moments of surprise are the people who are honest and prove good friends. They often make a career in medicine and prove to be good doctors.
Unchanging faces
When people have countenances that never conspicuously change they are cold, or very dull, but never truly wise, never warmly animated and are never capable of fine sensibility or tenderness.
When the lineaments of the countenances are well proportioned, accurately defined and strongly pronounced the character is discreet.
Not at all straight
Of anyone whose figure is oblique, whose mouth is oblique, whose walk is oblique, whose handwriting is oblique – that is in an unequal, irregular direction – we may infer that his manner of thinking, character and conduct are oblique, inconsistent, partial, false, whimsical, contradictory and lacking sensibility.
Look at the forehead
When a finely arched forehead has in the middle, between the eyebrows, a slightly discernible perpendiculr, two parallel wrinkles – esp. when eyebrows are marked, compressed and regular, it is to be ranked as first among foreheads. These people possess an inbuilt power to rule , highly intelligent and responsible character is denoted coupled with honesty and commitment.
Note the wrinkles on the forehead
The wrinkles on the forehead deserve a careful study:
# Oblique wrinkles on the forehead esp. when they are nearly parallel or appear so, are certainly a sign of poor and suspicious mind.
# Parallel regular not too deep wrinkles of the forehead or when the parallel is interrupted are found in the persons who are very intelligent, wise, rational and justly thinking.
# Wrinkles of the forehead which on slightest motion of the skin, sink deep downwards are much to be suspected of weakness.
Ears show character
According to Aristotle large ears indicate long and active life, small ones announce short temper and hasty character, flat ears point out rustic and imaginative people. Those that promise best are firm and middling size ears. Happy people have square ears.
A Caution
Be on your guard against everyone who speaks mildly and softly and writes harshly against him who speaks little and writes more. Such characters are disguised by short foreheads, snubbed noses, very small lips, large eyes which can never directly look upon you.
SHRI YANTRA is used for bringing good luck and prosperity widely in our country. The exact meaning of this yantra is to be understood in various contexts. Shri Yantra is constructed with help of nine triangles, four of them pointing upwards and rest downwards. Thus making a total number nine, if there would have been eight triangles the figure would have been more balanced, but as we all know the nature of Goddess Laxmi, who goes on visiting places and does not remain at one place for long. It also indicates the changes.
From the worship point of view this yantra produces best results when engraved on copper plates. Shri Yantra engraved on a copper plate and worshipped bestows longitivity and makes a person strong willed besides making stable in financial aspects. When engraved on Gold plate and provides stability in financial aspects.
Taken into the consideration of various scientific theories, which try to describe the shape of our galaxy, this yantra supports them. This yantra according to Indian Mythology lays emphasis on dual nature of elements the Shiva and Shakti elements i.e. the spiritual and the worldly matters.
A correlation can be observed between Quantum theory and in construction of Shri Yantra especially the Shiva and Shakti triangle. A practice such as electron does not appear to travel in a straights line motion always and also new physics goes on explaining the duality, the motion of subatomic particles, either in wave form or in straight line path.
According to ancient “Tantra” Shri Yantra also describes the shape of Cosmos where in each change occurring in the universe is related to where the cosmos. That is, effecting whole universe.
Talking on religious ground Shri Yantra when concentrated upon emphasizes on the journey which is endless, the journey towards the ultimate.
Shri Yantra has 5 down pointing triangles which symbolizes Shakti and 4 upward pointing triangles symbolic of Shiva .
The Yantra is a combination of Shiva and Shakti elements, which are together in cosmos as in Eastern astrology, lays an emphasis on combination of two forces working in harmony as Chinese astrology believes in Yang and Yin out of which one is masculine and other is feminine. The worship of this yantra is basically working on the two forces of Cosmos and mainly worshipped through “Beej Mantras”.
“Beej Mantras” are sounds, which are uttered, in deep mediation and sound when recited at a particular frequency and a manner both, the creative and the destructive powers. By concentrating on Shri Yantra through the Beej Mantras, which are more effective, and the worship is bestowed by power and money.
Also Shri Yantra’s when worshipped with the help of saraswati mantras provides knowledge and clairvoyance to the worshipper.
Meditation on Shri Yantra should be done with care and mantra’s be recited facing East.
A mole that is on the right side of the forehead or on the right temple signifies that the person will arrive at sudden wealth and honour, especially after 35 years of age and will be a known person .
A mole on the right eyebrow announces speedy marriage, and the married partner will possess many good qualities and a good fortune.
A mole on the left on either two places mentioned above announces unexpected disappointment in the most of the business undertakings.
A mole on the outside corner of the either eye denotes the person to be of a sober, steady, and good disposition, but will be liable to a violent death.
A mole on the either cheek signifies that the person shall never rise above mediocrity in the point of fortune, though at the same time he will never fall into real poverty.
A mole on the nose shows that the person will have good success in most of his or her undertakings.
A mole on the lip either upper or lower proves the person to be fond of delicate things in the life, will live long and will be much given to the pleasure of love and will be commonly successful in all the undertakings.
A mole on the chin foreshows the person will be attended by prosperity and will have a large number of good friends.
A mole on the side of the neck shows that the person will narrowly escape suffocation, or from a major accident, but will afterward rise to a great level in life., and will have unexpected legacy or inheritance.
A mole on the throat denotes that the person shall become rich by marriage.
A mole on the right breast declares the person to be exposed to a sudden reverse from comfort to distress, by unavoidable accidents. Most of the children will be girls and live long.
A mole on the left breast signifies success in business undertakings but of a violent temperament.
A mole under the left breast, over the heart, foreshows that the man will be of a warm disposition, unsettled in mind, fond of gambling and will be careless and over confident. If a lady sincere in love, quick conception, and will have few good children.
A mole on the right side over any part of the ribs, denotes a person to be miserly in spending, quick witted and short tempered.
A mole on the right thigh denotes that the person will become rich after 41st year of his life and will have a good and successful marriage.
A mole on the left thigh denotes the person has less friends, and works hard till 39 years of life.
A mole on the right knee signifies that the person will be fortunate in the choice of the marriage partner, and meet with few disappointments in life.
A mole on the left knee foretells that the person will be rash, inconsiderate and hasty; but modest when in cold blood, honest, and inclined to good behaviour.
A mole on either leg shows that the person is thoughtless, and indifferent as to whatever may happen.
A mole on the either ankle denotes a man to be inclined to good dressing sense and if a lady she be courageous, active and industrious , but little short tempered.
A mole on either foot forebodes sudden illness or unexpected misfortune.
A mole on the right shoulder signifies discretion, secrecy and wisdom.
A mole on the left shoulder signifies stubborness, and ungovernable person.
A mole on the right arm denotes vigour and undaunted courage.
A mole on the left arm denotes victory in the battles and success in money matters.
A mole near either elbow declares restlessness, a roving and unsteady temper.
A mole against the heart denotes wickedness and cunningness.
If a woman have a mole on her right knee she will be honest, if on the left she will have many children.
A mole on the chin signifies riches.
A mole on the ear denotes riches and respect.
A mole on the cheek promises riches.
If either in a man or woman's hand a mole appears, it denotes great prosperity and enjoyment of children.
A mole on the stomach of a person denotes luxury.
A mole on the lower tip of right ear denotes drowning.
A mole on the right foot denotes wisdom, and on left foot denotes danger by rash actions.
A mole on the each side of the neck shows illness in the later half of the life.
A mole near either side of chin, shows an amiable disposition, industrious, successful in life, and many friends.
Laughter is the spontaneous expression of human nature. The way one laughs reflects behaviour and the character. It unveils the secrets of a particular personality. Often smile is confused with the laughing. In fact many people wear a mask of smile especially those who are involved in marketing or handling customers, but when they laugh open heartedly one can come to know their nature. In this article I intend to deal with the laughter.
Laughter is the spontaneous expression of human nature. The way one laughs reflects behaviour and the character. It unveils the secrets of a particular personality. Often smile is confused with the laughing. In fact many people wear a mask of smile especially those who are involved in marketing or handling customers, but when they laugh open heartedly one can come to know their nature.
In this article I intend to deal with the laughter. As each of us has a different handwriting, a different style of walking similarly each of one has different laughing style, and it has termendous significance. A man starts laughing and then the level arises and goes to the maximum and then finally come down. During the laughter the voice is generated, some of the portions of the body move.
People who laugh open heartedly are free, honest and kind hearted. They help others and possess a good determination and possess a sense of responsibility. They are well organised and try to be systematic in every walk of their life. They are good planners and when it comes to implement a thing they are usually successful.
This laugh rather defective, it is when a person starts laughing and then stops and then laughs. This laugh indicates secrecy and a person with low confidence level, rather conscious about the people and lacks consistency. These people are often irresponsible and do not trust on everybody. They often feel neglected and disgusted when things and people do not turn out in their favour.
Musical laughter is a sweet laughter with an echoing effect. The listeners are pleased to hear this laugh. This laugh indicates emotional and a very warm person. These people are confident and hard workers., they are good planners but are slow in implementing. These people generally possess good health but then are often troubled by colds and coughs. These people generally possess a pleasing and a charming nature, but often differ in the views from their family.
This is a laughter which lasts for a while and leaves an impact on others. These people are extroverts, short tempered, possess a good heart, and often start the work at their full strength but when it continues they lose their interest in it. In fact these people possess a mind which is not stable, they are often seen doing more than a thing at a time and as a result often get into the problems. These people possess good health and have a good married life.
Controlled laughter is a slow and slight laughter. These people are diplomatic and often do not mix and mingle with people. They are suspicious by nature. These people are reserved and intoverts. They make a good career in trading.
It reflects a pleasant personality. Such people are liberal by nature. They are intelligent and influential. These people are successful in their undertakings and possess a analysing mind.
1. A person who always laughs remains lucky in his entire life and people who meet him are always influenced by him.
2. A person who does not laughs at all indicates suicidal tendency and intact majority of people who commit suicide comes under this category.
3. If a husband and wife have a same type of laughter it indicates they will have a very good married life.
4. Strange laughter indicates a person will have many adversities in life but will be fortunate after 40 years.
नवरात्र में कैसे करें संपूर्ण दुर्गा सप्तशती पाठ
श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती
श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती के पाठ करने का अलग विधान है। कुछ अध्यायों में उच्च स्वर, कुछ में मंद और कुछ में शांत मुद्रा में बैठकर पाठ करना श्रेष्ठ माना गया है। जैसे कीलक मंत्र को शांत मुद्रा में बैठकर मानसिक पाठ करना श्रेष्ठ है। देवी कवच उच्च स्वर में और श्रीअर्गला स्तोत्र का प्रारम्भ उच्च स्वर और समापन शांत मुद्रा से करना चाहिए। देवी भगवती के कुछ मंत्र यंत्र, मंत्र और तंत्र क्रिया के हैं। संपूर्ण दुर्गा सप्तशती स्वर विज्ञान का एक हिस्सा है।
वाकार विधि:
प्रथम दिन एक पाठ प्रथम अध्याय, दूसरे दिन दो पाठ द्वितीय, तृतीय अध्याय, तीसरे दिन एक पाठ चतुर्थ अध्याय, चौथे दिन चार पाठ पंचम, षष्ठ, सप्तम व अष्टम अध्याय, पांचवें दिन दो अध्यायों का पाठ नवम, दशम अध्याय, छठे दिन ग्यारहवां अध्याय, सातवें दिन दो पाठ द्वादश एवं त्रयोदश अध्याय करके एक आवृति सप्तशती की होती है।
संपुट पाठ विधि:
किसी विशेष प्रयोजन हेतु विशेष मंत्र से एक बार ऊपर तथा एक नीचे बांधना उदाहरण हेतु संपुट मंत्र मूलमंत्र-, संपुट मंत्र फिर मूलमंत्र अंत में पुनः संपुट मंत्र आदि इस विधि में समय अधिक लगता है। लेकिन यह अतिफलदायी है।
अच्छा यह होगा कि आप संपुट के रूप में अर्गला स्तोत्र का कोई मंत्र ले लीजिए। या कोई बीज मंत्र जैसे ऊं श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं दुर्गायै नम: ले लें या ऊं दुर्गायै नम: से भी पाठ कर सकते हैं।
नवरात्र पूजा विधि
सर्वप्रथम- देवी भगवती को प्रतिष्ठापित करें। कलश स्थापना करें। दीप प्रज्ज्जवलन करें। ( अखंड ज्योति जलाएं यदि आप जलाते हों या जलाना चाहते हों)
ध्यान- सर्वप्रथम अपने गुरू का ध्यान करिए। उसके बाद गणपति, शंकर जी, भगवान विष्णु, हनुमान जी और नवग्रह का।
पाठ विधि
संकल्प- श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करने से पहले भगवान गणपति, शंकर जी का ध्यान करिए। उसके बाद हाथ में जौ, चावल और दक्षिणा रखकर देवी भगवती का ध्यान करिए और संकल्प लीजिए...हे भगवती मैं.....( अमुक नाम)....सपरिवार...( अपने परिवार के नाम ले लीजिए...)...गोत्र.( अमुक गोत्र)....स्थान ( जहां रह रहे हैं)... पूरी निष्ठा, समर्पण और भक्ति के साथ आपका ध्यान कर रहा हूं। हे भगवती आप हमारे घर में आगमन करिए और हमारी इस मनोकामना... ( मनोकामना बोलें लेकिन मन ही मन) को पूरा करिए। श्रीदुर्गा सप्तशती के पाठ, जप ( माला का उतना ही संकल्प करें जितनी नौ दिन कर सकें) और यज्ञादि को मेरे स्वीकार करिए। इसके बाद धूप, दीप, नैवेज्ञ के साथ भगवती की पूजा प्रारम्भ करें।
अन्य महत्वपूर्ण नियम :-
दुर्गा शप्तसती का पाठ शुरू करने के पहले प्रथम पूज्य गणेश की पूजा करनी चाहिए। यदि घर में कलश स्थापन किया है तो पहले कलश का पूजन फिर नवग्रह की पूजा और फिर अखंड दीप का पूजन करना चाहिए।
दुर्गा शप्तसती के पाठ में अर्गला, कीलक स्त्रोत और कवच के पाठ से पहले शापोध्दार का पाठ करना आवश्यक है। दुर्गा सप्तसती के सभी मंत्र ब्रह्मा , वसिष्ठ और विश्वामित्र के द्वारा शापित किये गए है। शापोद्धार के बिना जाप का फल प्राप्तः नहीं होता है।
दुर्गा सप्तसती का पाठ करने से पहले और बाद में नवारण मंत्र " ॐ ऐ ह्री क्लीं चामुण्डाय विच्चे " का पाठ करना परम आवशयक है।
इस मंत्र में लक्ष्मी काली और सरस्वती के बीज मंत्र का संग्रह है।
दुर्गा सप्तसती पाठ के आरंभ और अंत में क्षमा प्रार्थना का पाठ अवश्य करना चाहिए।
श्री दुर्गा सप्तसती ग्रन्थ में सात सो श्लोक है। प्रथम चरित्र में पहला अध्याय , मध्यम चरित में दूसरा तीसरा और चौथा अध्याय और उत्तम चरित में शेष अध्याय रखे गए है।
दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय सिले हुए वस्त धारण नहीं करने चाहिए। पुरुषो को धोती और स्त्रियों को साड़ी धारण करनी चाहिए।
दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय एकाग्रचित होना आवश्यक होता है। इसलिए पाठ करते समय आलस न करें और जम्हाई ने लें। मां दुर्गा में ध्यान लगाने का प्रयास करें। पाठ करते समय बीच में किसी और से बात न करें।
अगर पाठ करते समय आपका हाथ पैर से स्पर्श हो जाता है, तो सबसे पहले जल से हाथों को धाएं, उसके बाद ही पुस्तक को स्पर्श करें। क्योंकि दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करते समय शुद्धता का ध्यान रखना बहुत आवश्यक होता है।
कुंडली मिलान में कब निरस्त हो जाता है नाड़ी दोष, जानिए 3 नियम
हिंदू धर्म में विवाह से पहले अष्टकूट यानी गुण मिलान का खासा महत्व है।
इसमें वर्ण, वश्य, तारा, योनी, ग्रह मैत्री, गण, भकूट और नाड़ी के आधार पर वर-वधू के गुणों का मिलान किया जाता है।
इसमें सबसे ज्यादा अहम नाड़ी है।
इसकी अहमियत इस बात से पता चलती है कि ज्यादा गुण मिलने के बावजूद अगर नाड़ी दोष है तो विवाह वर्जित बताया जाता है। हालांकि अगर संभावित वर और वधू की कुंडली में तीन शर्तों में से एक भी पूरी हो रही हो तो नाड़ी दोष निरस्त हो जाता है।
कुंडली में चंद्रमा की नक्षत्र में स्थिति के आधार पर नाड़ी का पता चलता है। कुल नक्षत्र 27 होते हैं, इस प्रकार हर नाड़ी के 9-9 नक्षत्र होते हैं।
वैदिक ज्योतिष में नाड़ी 3 प्रकार की होती हैं-
आदि, मध्य और अन्त्य नाड़ी
आदि या आद्य नाड़ी-
ज्येष्ठा, मूल, आर्द्रा, पुनर्वसु, उत्तरा फाल्गुनी,हस्त, शतभिषा, पूर्वा भाद्रपद और अश्विनी नक्षत्र की गणना इस नाड़ी में की जाती है।
मध्य नाड़ी-
पुष्य, मृगशिरा, चित्रा, अनुराधा, भरणी, घनिष्ठा, पूर्वाषाढ़ा, पूर्वा फाल्गुनी और उत्तरा भाद्रपद नक्षत्र की गणना मध्य नाड़ी में होती है।
अन्त्य नाड़ी-
स्वाति, विशाखा, कृतिका, रोहिणी, अश्लेषा, मघा, उत्तारषाढ़ा, श्रवण और रेवती नक्षत्रों की गणना अन्त्य नाड़ी में की जाती है।
कैसे लगता है नाड़ी दोष
जब संभावित वर और वधू के जन्म नक्षत्र एक ही नाड़ी में आते हैं, तब यह दोष लगता है।
इस दोष के चलते गुण मिलान में 8 गुणों की हानि होती है।
इस दोष के लगने से विवाह को वर्जित बताया जाता है।
इस दोष के बावजूद विवाह होने पर विवाह में अलगाव, मृत्यु और दुखमय जीवन की आशंकाएं होती हैं।
किन स्थितियों में निरस्त हो जाता है नाड़ी दोष
यदि संभावित वर और वधू का जन्म नक्षत्र समान हो, लेकिन दोनों के चरण अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है।
यदि दोनों की राशि समान हो, लेकिन जन्म नक्षत्र अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है।
यदि दोनों के जन्म नक्षत्र समान हों, लेकिन राशि अलग-अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष नहीं लगता है
जानिए आरती के बाद क्यों बोलते हैं कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र
किसी भी मंदिर में या हमारे घर में जब भी पूजन कर्म होते हैं तो वहां कुछ मंत्रों का जप अनिवार्य रूप से किया जाता है। सभी देवी-देवताओं के मंत्र अलग-अलग हैं, लेकिन जब भी आरती पूर्ण होती है तो यह मंत्र विशेष रूप से बोला जाता है-
कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र
कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम्।
सदा बसन्तं हृदयारबिन्दे भबं भवानीसहितं नमामि।।
ये है इस मंत्र का अर्थ
इस मंत्र से शिवजी की स्तुति की जाती है। इसका अर्थ इस प्रकार है-
कर्पूरगौरं- कर्पूर के समान गौर वर्ण वाले।
करुणावतारं- करुणा के जो साक्षात् अवतार हैं।
संसारसारं- समस्त सृष्टि के जो सार हैं।
भुजगेंद्रहारम्- इस शब्द का अर्थ है जो सांप को हार के रूप में धारण करते हैं।
सदा वसतं हृदयाविन्दे भवंभावनी सहितं नमामि- इसका अर्थ है कि जो शिव, पार्वती के साथ सदैव मेरे हृदय में निवास करते हैं, उनको मेरा नमन है।
मंत्र का पूरा अर्थ- जो कर्पूर जैसे गौर वर्ण वाले हैं, करुणा के अवतार हैं, संसार के सार हैं और भुजंगों का हार धारण करते हैं, वे भगवान शिव माता भवानी सहित मेरे ह्रदय में सदैव निवास करें और उन्हें मेरा नमन है।
यही मंत्र क्यों….
किसी भी देवी-देवता की आरती के बाद कर्पूरगौरम् करुणावतारं….मंत्र ही क्यों बोला जाता है, इसके पीछे बहुत गहरे अर्थ छिपे हुए हैं।
भगवान शिव की ये स्तुति शिव-पार्वती विवाह के समय विष्णु द्वारा गाई हुई मानी गई है।
अमूमन ये माना जाता है कि शिव शमशान वासी हैं, उनका स्वरुप बहुत भयंकर और अघोरी वाला है। लेकिन, ये स्तुति बताती है कि उनका स्वरुप बहुत दिव्य है। शिव को सृष्टि का अधिपति माना गया है, वे मृत्युलोक के देवता हैं, उन्हें पशुपतिनाथ भी कहा जाता है, पशुपति का अर्थ है संसार के जितने भी जीव हैं (मनुष्य सहित) उन सब का अधिपति।
ये स्तुति इसी कारण से गाई जाती है कि जो इस समस्त संसार का अधिपति है, वो हमारे मन में वास करे। शिव श्मशान वासी हैं, जो मृत्यु के भय को दूर करते हैं। हमारे मन में शिव वास करें, अकाल मृत्यु का भय दूर हो।
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